- Last Update:
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D3, Fresh Graduate, Full Time, Palm Oil, Semua Jurusan, SMA/SMK, SWASTA, TeknikD3, Fresh Graduate, Full Time, Palm Oil, Semua Jurusan, SMA/SMK, SWASTA, Teknik - Lokasi:
Kalimantan Timur - Tipe Pekerjaan:
Full Time - Pendidikan:
D3 - Pengalaman:
0 - 2 Tahun
DISNAKERJA.COM – Apical Group Ltd adalah salah satu pengelola dan pengekspor minyak sawit dan produk turunannya seperti makanan, oleokimia, dan biodiesel terbesar di Indonesia untuk keperluan domestik dan ekspor internasional. Empat kilang minyak Apical di Indonesia dan Tiongkok memiliki kapasitas total 4,2 juta ton per tahun. Pada bulan Juli 2016, Apical mengakuisisi perusahaan biodiesel Spanyol, Bio-Oils, meningkatkan produksi solar secara global tahunan sebesar hampir 60% menjadi lebih dari 680.000 ton per tahun. Kilang-kilang ini didukung oleh infrastruktur logistik terpadu seperti dermaga, tangki penyimpanan darat dan tongkang, fasilitas desalinasi air dan pembangkit listrik mandiri.
Saat ini Apical Group Ltda kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan April 2024. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama Apical Group Ltd dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.
Lowongan Kerja Apical Group Ltd
1. Admin, Export Documentation
- Manage office supplies stock and place orders.
- Prepare regular reports on expenses and office budgets.
- Maintain and update company databases or any other Administration database.
- Organize a filing system for important and confidential company documents.
- Answer administration support queries by employees.
- Update office policies as needed.
- Maintain a company calendar and schedule appointments.
- Book meeting rooms as required.
- Distribute and store correspondence (e.g. letters, emails and packages)
- Prepare reports and presentations with statistical data, as assigned.
- Arrange travel and accommodations.
- Schedule in-house and external events.
To be successful in this role, it is recommended that you should have the following skills and qualifications:
- Min Vocational High School
- Relevant working exposure or experience in a similar role.
- Willing to relocate to the job location.
2. Admin, Export Import
- Manage office supplies stock and place orders.
- Prepare regular reports on expenses and office budgets.
- Maintain and update company databases or any other Administration database.
- Organize a filing system for important and confidential company documents.
- Answer administration support queries by employees.
- Update office policies as needed.
- Maintain a company calendar and schedule appointments.
- Book meeting rooms as required.
- Distribute and store correspondence (e.g. letters, emails and packages)
- Prepare reports and presentations with statistical data, as assigned.
- Arrange travel and accommodations.
- Schedule in-house and external events.
To be successful in this role, it is recommended that you should have the following skills and qualifications:
- Minimum Associate Degree
- Relevant working exposure or experience in a similar role.
- Willing to relocate to the job location.
3. Admin, Store
- Manage office supplies stock and place orders.
- Prepare regular reports on expenses and office budgets.
- Maintain and update company databases or any other Administration database.
- Organize a filing system for important and confidential company documents.
- Answer administration support queries by employees.
- Update office policies as needed.
- Maintain a company calendar and schedule appointments.
- Book meeting rooms as required.
- Distribute and store correspondence (e.g. letters, emails and packages)
- Prepare reports and presentations with statistical data, as assigned.
- Arrange travel and accommodations.
- Schedule in-house and external events.
To be successful in this role, it is recommended that you should have the following skills and qualifications:
- Minimum Associate Degree
- Relevant working exposure or experience in a similar role.
- Willing to relocate to the job location.
Saat Anda mengirimkan resume dan detail pribadi Anda kepada kami, Anda dianggap telah memberikan persetujuan kepada kami untuk menyimpan informasi Anda di database perekrutan bakat kami. Semua informasi yang diberikan hanya akan digunakan untuk proses rekrutmen. RGE hanya akan mengumpulkan, menggunakan, memproses, atau mengungkapkan informasi pribadi jika dan kapan diizinkan berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku.
Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi untuk wawancara. Kami berusaha untuk menanggapi setiap pelamar. Namun, jika Anda tidak menerima tanggapan dari kami dalam waktu 60 hari, harap anggap lamaran Anda untuk posisi ini tidak berhasil. Kami mungkin menghubungi Anda di masa depan untuk setiap peluang yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan pengalaman Anda.
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