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Full Time, Komputer dan Teknologi, Pemerintahan, S1, S2, TeknikFull Time, Komputer dan Teknologi, Pemerintahan, S1, S2, Teknik - Lokasi:
Jakarta - Tipe Pekerjaan:
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5 Tahun
Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan perumusan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan di bidang pengelolaan sumber daya air sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perudang-undangan.
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (disingkat Kemen PUPR RI) adalah kementerian dalam Pemerintah Indonesia yang membidangi urusan pekerjaan umum dan perumahan rakyat.
Rekrutmen Konsultant Individu Program Nufrep Ditjen SDA Kementerian PUPR Tahun 2025
1. Hydrology/Climate Change Specialist
Job Description :
- Coordinate with CPMIJ, CPIU, NPIU, Management Project Specialist, etc. to support the implementation of the project due to Output 1: FFWS Development Study Conduct desktop urban flood resilience study and hydro—met stations rationalization report. Based on the review, identify hydro-met data (or study) gap as needed for developing and operating the FEWS and provide recommendation for further hydro-met data acquisition. The Consultant shall also collect all available data for flood forecasting and store it in Indonesia’s one portal data.
- Based on the review above, evaluate existing hydro-met equipment and provide recommendations for modernization of equipment needed and its specification to support the development and operationalization of FEWS. This includes providing suggestions on suitable sites and cost estimates for installing new or upgrading the existing hydro-met stations. The Consultant shall also conduct market analysis to assess the availability of the hydro-met equipment within the market in Indonesia or in region, and the suitability of the technology that fit for deployment in NIJFReP cities.
- Collect flood hydrograph data and assess the quality of the data, then evaluate the available hydrological model using that data. The Consultant shall examine both accuracy and reliability of the model presenting the hydrological state of each river basin through conducting rainfall and river flow analysis. The Consultant shall also provide recommendations to improve the model.
- Collect climate change data in country level and city (or region) level and analyze the impact to the hydro-met data to inform the examination of hydrological model above.
- Collect all existing guidelines related to hydrology and identify areas of improvement and update these guidelines based on the review and finding above.
- Collaborate with other consultants to review technical specifications of non-structural measures under sub-component 2.2 of the Project proposed by PIUs.
- Collaborate with other consultants to provide input to the Terms of Reference (TOR) and cost estimates for Technical Management Consultant (firm) that later will provide technical support for NPIU Bintek.
Qualifications :
- Master’s Degree (S2) in Civil/Water Resources/Meteorology Engineering or relevant discipline, with at least 5 (five) years of relevant experience in the field of civil water engineering or climate change.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) years of working experience as hydrology or climate change specialist.
- Have competent technical knowledge and skills in performing hydrological modeling, hydrological data analysis, data interpretation, and operate related hydrological software such as HEC-HMS, SOBEK, NeoPerdas, SPSS, etc.
- Have the ability to analyze complex hydrological data, predict water flow patterns, flood modelling, and flood risks analysis.
- Preferably to have certification in the field of hydrology or water resources.
- Have technical knowledge and experience in climate change analysis and familiar with technical standards and government regulations related to climate change.
- Preferably to have working experiences with the government in water resources projects funded by any international development partner (e.g., World Bank, ADB, AIIB, etc.).
- Preferable to have working experience in consulting services assigned by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia.
2. FFEWS Specialist
Job Description :
- Coordinate with CPMIJ, CPIU, NPIIJ, Management Project Specialist, etc. to support the implementation of the project due to Output 1: FFWS Development Study.
- Conduct desktop study Collect and study to review the existing FFEWS systems in B/BWS in Indonesia and other countries good practice internationally. Best practice will be drawn from international guidance notably World Meteorological Organization (e.g. Flood Forecasting Manual and Assessment Guidelines for End-to-End Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Systems) and the International Network for Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems covering risk knowledge, monitoring and forecasting, dissemination, and response, as well as cross cutting issues as institutional arrangements and issues of inclusion. This includes data collection and flood model for the development of FFEWS, hydromet rationalization study, rainfall forecasting, gaps assessment and evaluation of current practice,. The Consultant shall also initiate discussion with key government stakeholders to determine the vision of FFEWS and establish working relationship setc as a literature study, to be implemented by the consulting service.
- Preview previous the existing studies related to flood risk management study in the 6 (six) study locations NUFReP cities. This information shall be collated and summarized including recommendations for areas that need further detail or development. Based on this review and on all other information collected, the Consultant shall present an initial understanding of the flooding mechanisms in the city and develop preliminary conceptual design/general framework of flood early warning system that fit with the characteristic of the city;
- Based on the inventory, identify data gaps as needed for detailing the study and provide recommendation for further data acquisition. The Consultant shall also evaluate existing hydromet equipment in NUFReP cities and propose equipment needed to support the flood early warning system and inventory studies for using by the consulting service;
- Justification time peak (Tp) from Hydrologist Specialist when will the alarm go on. Data consist of (i) tidal data, (ii) water level in polders / hydraulic infrastructures, (iii) river levels and discharge — any stage discharge relationships, (iv) rainfall from multiple source (rain gauge, radar, etc), and (v) other relevant data sets such as soil moisture if necessary.
- Prepare Draft of FFEWS operations guidelines that defines the mission and organization of the forecasting center(s), communication, service provision to users, operation of the hydromet network, interaction with met service (e.g., BMKG) and others, and some form of operational policy based on national standards or international best practices by considering the integration of data with input from Bintek (MPWH), BMKG, BRIN, BNPB, and other relevant agencies. Furthermore, the Consultant shall assist the NPIU Bintek to disseminate these guidelines to all implementing units transfer this concept to TMC to be further refined and disseminated with all implementing units;
- In Collected all datasets relevant to the development of FFEWS, evaluated the data, model requirements for FFEWS, rainfall prediction, forecasting, etc;
- Evaluate the rationalization results by considering satellite and radar data in the ungauged catchment area;
- Evaluate existing equipment and data on hydrological networks at 6 (six) study sites and propose equipment needed to support FEWS design.
- Evaluate specification technic for hydrological equipment to support FEWS design.
- Collaboration with Management Project Experts and other experts’ consultants, to create develop Terms of Reference (TOR), outline technical specifications, and cost estimates for Technical Management Consultant (firm) that later will support the technical assistance activities for NPIU Bintek Development Activities for Integrated Urban Flood Management Technique (consultant firm)
Qualifications :
- Master’s degree in civil engineering/water resources engineering or relevant discipline with 5 (five) years of working relevant experiences in water resources projects or with similar scope of activities, especially related to FFEVN/S.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) years of work experience as FFEWS specialist, especially relation to operational experience of FFEWS working experience as FFEWS specialist and had demonstrated knowledge in FFEWS through applying and developing hydrological models, especially the distributed ones based on multi source data.
- Have significant experience on operational flood forecasting and early warning services, working with relevant warning authorities (e.g. national meteorological, hydrological or disaster management agencies).
- Preferably to have a water resources engineering expertise certificate of at least intermediate level.
- Preferably to have working experience with the government in water resources projects funded by any international development partner (e.g., World Bank, ADB, AIIB, etc.)
- Preferable to have working experience in consulting services assigned by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia.
- Preferably to have familiarity with technical standards, building code, government regulations related to FFEWS and disaster risk management.
3. System Analyst Specialist
Job Description :
- Conduct a desktop assessment of existing FFEWS information systems in Indonesia. This activity should provide sufficient information to understand the mechanisms and arrangements of existing FFEWS’s and other data management systems , including the overall business processes and workflows, government services, the requirements of the end-users of flood warning information, the condition of hardware and software used in these systems. Based on the assessment, the Consultant should identify the main gaps and provide recommendations for system development with high-level operational design and implementation guidelines that are to be developed by the TMC.
- Develop a conceptual workflow for seamless integration of the FFEWS module with the WRDC platform.
- This activity includes the following subtasks:
- Prepare guidance for good practices on data preparation, data exchange mechanisms with external systems and data providers, systems for transmitting and receiving data, standardization of input and output data (e.g., spatial data, tabulation data, SWOT, etc.) in accordance with user needs.
- Create a concept for the hosting (cloud or local) and ownership of the system and define accessibility to the platform from multiple institutions (considering their varying needs and capabilities).
- Documentation analysis and specification for security of the system.
- Based on the concept of operations (CONOPS) developed by the FFEWS specialist, develop a concept of maintenance of the operating system.
- Review the current state of the WRDC and explore options for its integration with the design of FFEWS system. Based on the review, the Consultant should provide recommendations for WRDC improvement for its compatibility and feasibility of integration
- Provide recommendations on technical/technological aspects of how users could receive warnings (i.e. considering telecommunication technologies and the implications for the system design).
- Provide relevant input to the draft Terms of Reference (TOR), cost estimates, work plan, and make recommendations on the feasibility of achieving work plan for TMC firm.
Qualifications :
- Have a bachelor’s degree (S1) in Informatics Engineering/computer science/information system or relevant discipline, with at least 5 (five) years of relevant experience in the field of developing systems, creating web and mobile based applications.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) years of working experience as a system analysis specialist or similar position.
- Have experience in using analysis tools and software such as UML (Unified Modeling Language), data flow diagrams, use case diagrams, and other analysis tools that are commonly used.
- Preferably, to have working experiences with the government in water resources projects funded by any international development partner (e.g., World Bank, ADB, AIIB, etc.);
- Preferably, have working experience in consulting services assigned by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia.
4. IT Specialist
Job Description :
- Review the current information technologies used for FFEWS interaction and provide recommendations for systems or platforms that could be developed in Indonesia. Consultations will be required with stakeholders (primarily end-users) to identify key system functionalities, data sources, user roles, and operational workflows.
- Review the IT aspect of WRDC and identify opportunities for integration of different modules (e.g., flood forecasting, early warning system, etc.) into this portal.
- Develop a conceptual framework for seamless integration of the FFEWS module with WRDC platform.
- This activity includes the following items, but not limited to:
- FFEWS web and mobile-based FFEWS applications based on user needs and specifications made by system analysis specialist.
- Integration of geographic information system (CIS) libraries and tools to display spatial data layers, satellite imagery, and terrain models Application Programming Interfaces (API) to incorporate model outputs and predictions into the decision support modules of the early warning system.
- Unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to ensure the reliability, functionality, and performance of software components.
- Automatic input system for accommodating real time information from telemetry station.
- Conceptual programming for front end and backend of web design.
- Recommendations on software and hardware specifications, as well as cyber security systems.
- Provide technical (IT) support for integration of all input data from hydromet stations on the ground into WRDC.
- Provide relevant input to the draft Terms of Reference of TMC firm related to the IT aspects.
Qualifications :
- Have a Bachelor’s Degree (S1) in Informatics Engineering/computer science/information technology or relevant discipline, with at least 5 (five) years of relevant experience in planning, design and implementation of software/lT solutions, including developing web-based applications.
- Have a minimum of 5 (five) years of working experience as IT specialist or similar position.
- Have experience in using analysis tools and software such as UML (Unified Modeling Language), data flow diagrams, use case diagrams, and other analysis tools are often required.
- Preferably to have working experiences with the government in water resources projects funded by any international development partner (e.g., World Bank, ADB, AIIB, etc.);
- Preferable to have working experience in consulting services assigned by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia.
Job Detail :
- Lokasi kerja di Kantor Pusat Ditjen SDA, Jakarta Selatan
- Durasi kerja 5 bulan sejak bulan Februari
- Gaji mulai 15 Juta Rupiah/ bulan
- Lowongan hanya dibuka sampai dengan 31 Januari 2025
- Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi Shafa (0821-3433-3490)
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